Flashcards on Cognitivism: Main Ideas and Differences

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Who is the developer of the cognitivism theory?

Jean Piaget

What are the main ideas of cognitivism?

1. Mental processes influence behavior 2. Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner 3. Cognitive development occurs through stages 4. Learning involves information processing 5. The mind can be studied scientifically

What is the difference between cognitivism and cognitive development?

Cognitivism is a psychological theory that explains how mental processes influence behavior, while cognitive development focuses specifically on the growth and development of cognitive abilities in children.

Who developed the cognitive development theory?

Jean Piaget

What are the main concepts of cognitive development?

1. Sensorimotor stage 2. Preoperational stage 3. Concrete operational stage 4. Formal operational stage 5. Assimilation and accommodation

What is the difference between cognitive development and cognitivism?

Cognitive development theory focuses on the growth and development of cognitive abilities in children, while cognitivism is a broader psychological theory that explains how mental processes influence behavior.


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Who developed the theory of cognitivism?

What are the main ideas of cognitivism?

What is the difference between cognitivism and cognitive development?

Who developed the cognitive development theory?

What are the main concepts of cognitive development?

What is the difference between cognitive development and cognitivism?

Who is the developer of the theory of cognitivism?

What are the main ideas of cognitivism?

What is the difference between cognitivism and cognitive development?

Who developed the cognitive development theory?

What are the main concepts of cognitive development?

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