Flashcards on Cold War Espionage

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Which two countries were the main rivals during the Cold War?

United States and Soviet Union

What was the purpose of Cold War espionage?

To gather intelligence and gain advantage over the enemy

Who were the two superpowers involved in the Cold War?

United States and Soviet Union

What was the primary focus of Cold War espionage?

Military and nuclear intelligence

Which intelligence agencies played a significant role in Cold War espionage?


What were some covert techniques used during Cold War espionage?

Wiretapping, microfilm, hidden cameras

What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War?

To prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Germany

Who was the most famous Cold War spy?

Kim Philby

What was Operation Paperclip?

The secret program to recruit German scientists after World War II

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The 1962 confrontation between the United States and Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba

What was the purpose of the U-2 spy plane?

To gather intelligence on Soviet Union's military capabilities

Who was Rudolf Abel?

Soviet spy captured by the FBI in 1957

What was the purpose of the NSA during the Cold War?

To intercept and decipher communications of foreign governments

What was the Iron Curtain?

The ideological barrier between Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe and the democratic West

What was the role of spies during the Cold War?

To gather classified information and engage in covert operations


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Test Your Knowledge

Which two countries were the main rivals during the Cold War?

Who were the two superpowers involved in the Cold War?

What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War?

Who was the most famous Cold War spy?

What was Operation Paperclip?

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

What was the purpose of the U-2 spy plane?

Who was Rudolf Abel?

What was the purpose of the NSA during the Cold War?

What was the Iron Curtain?

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