Flashcards on Colonialism in India

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Who colonized India?

The British

When did the British rule in India begin?

In 1858

How long did British rule last in India?

Nearly 200 years

What were the main reasons for British colonization of India?

Economic interests and control over trade

What is the significance of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857?

It marked a turning point in the struggle against British rule

What were the negative impacts of colonialism on India's economy?

Exploitation of resources and deindustrialization

Who were the early British colonial administrators in India?

The East India Company

What were the major social changes during British rule?

Introduction of English education and modern infrastructure

What led to the rise of the Indian independence movement?

Growing discontent with British policies and nationalism

Who played a key role in India's struggle for independence?

Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and other freedom fighters

What was the outcome of the partition of India in 1947?

The creation of India and Pakistan as separate nations

When did India gain independence from British rule?

On August 15, 1947

What are some long-term effects of colonialism in India?

Cultural influences, political challenges, and economic disparities

How did British colonization impact India's education system?

Introduction of Western education and English as a medium of instruction

What role did Indian intellectuals play during the colonial era?

They contributed to the Indian Renaissance and fought for social reforms

What were the strategies used by the British to maintain control in India?

Divide and rule, implementation of discriminatory policies

Who colonized India?

The British

When did the British rule in India begin?

In 1858

How long did British rule last in India?

Nearly 200 years

What were the main reasons for British colonization of India?

Economic interests and control over trade

What is the significance of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857?

It marked a turning point in the struggle against British rule

What were the negative impacts of colonialism on India's economy?

Exploitation of resources and deindustrialization

Who were the early British colonial administrators in India?

The East India Company

What were the major social changes during British rule?

Introduction of English education and modern infrastructure

What led to the rise of the Indian independence movement?

Growing discontent with British policies and nationalism

Who played a key role in India's struggle for independence?

Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and other freedom fighters

What was the outcome of the partition of India in 1947?

The creation of India and Pakistan as separate nations

When did India gain independence from British rule?

On August 15, 1947

What are some long-term effects of colonialism in India?

Cultural influences, political challenges, and economic disparities

How did British colonization impact India's education system?

Introduction of Western education and English as a medium of instruction

What role did Indian intellectuals play during the colonial era?

They contributed to the Indian Renaissance and fought for social reforms

What were the strategies used by the British to maintain control in India?

Divide and rule, implementation of discriminatory policies


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