Flashcards on Consumption

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What is consumption?

Consumption is the using up of a resource by an individual or group.

What are the different types of consumption?

There are four types of consumption: personal, mass, industrial and government.

What are the factors affecting consumption patterns?

The factors affecting consumption patterns include income, prices of goods, social influences and situations, demographic variables, and marketing efforts.

What is the difference between personal and mass consumption?

Personal consumption is the use of goods and services by individuals or households while mass consumption is the consumption of goods and services by large numbers of people.

What is planned obsolescence?

Planned obsolescence is the manufacturing of products in such a way that they have a limited useful life or become obsolete after a predetermined period of time, forcing the consumer to purchase a new product.

What are some negative impacts of overconsumption?

Some negative impacts of overconsumption include environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, and social and economic inequality.

What is the disposable income of an individual?

Disposable income is the amount of money an individual has to spend or save after taxes and other mandatory fees are paid.

What is conspicuous consumption?

Conspicuous consumption refers to the act of purchasing luxury goods and services to display one's wealth or status.

What is the difference between industrial and government consumption?

Industrial consumption is the use of goods and services by businesses or industries while government consumption is the use of goods and services by the government.

What environmental factors affect consumption?

Environmental factors affecting consumption include climate, natural disasters, and pollution.

What is hyperconsumerism?

Hyperconsumerism is the excessive or compulsive consumption of goods and services, often driven by a desire to keep up with societal trends or peer pressure.

What is consumerism?

Consumerism is the ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services as a primary measure of personal worth and satisfaction.

What are some examples of conspicuous consumption?

Examples of conspicuous consumption include luxury cars, designer clothing, and expensive jewelry.

What role do marketers play in consumption patterns?

Marketers affect consumption patterns by influencing consumer behavior through advertising and promotions.

What is the difference between consumption and production?

Consumption is the using up of a resource while production is the creation of a resource.

What is consumption?

Consumption is the using up of a resource by an individual or group.

What are the different types of consumption?

There are four types of consumption: personal, mass, industrial and government.

What are the factors affecting consumption patterns?

The factors affecting consumption patterns include income, prices of goods, social influences and situations, demographic variables, and marketing efforts.

What is the difference between personal and mass consumption?

Personal consumption is the use of goods and services by individuals or households while mass consumption is the consumption of goods and services by large numbers of people.

What is planned obsolescence?

Planned obsolescence is the manufacturing of products in such a way that they have a limited useful life or become obsolete after a predetermined period of time, forcing the consumer to purchase a new product.

What are some negative impacts of overconsumption?

Some negative impacts of overconsumption include environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, and social and economic inequality.

What is the disposable income of an individual?

Disposable income is the amount of money an individual has to spend or save after taxes and other mandatory fees are paid.

What is conspicuous consumption?

Conspicuous consumption refers to the act of purchasing luxury goods and services to display one's wealth or status.

What is the difference between industrial and government consumption?

Industrial consumption is the use of goods and services by businesses or industries while government consumption is the use of goods and services by the government.

What environmental factors affect consumption?

Environmental factors affecting consumption include climate, natural disasters, and pollution.

What is hyperconsumerism?

Hyperconsumerism is the excessive or compulsive consumption of goods and services, often driven by a desire to keep up with societal trends or peer pressure.

What is consumerism?

Consumerism is the ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services as a primary measure of personal worth and satisfaction.

What are some examples of conspicuous consumption?

Examples of conspicuous consumption include luxury cars, designer clothing, and expensive jewelry.

What role do marketers play in consumption patterns?

Marketers affect consumption patterns by influencing consumer behavior through advertising and promotions.

What is the difference between consumption and production?

Consumption is the using up of a resource while production is the creation of a resource.


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