Flashcards on Cotton Gin and Eli Whitney

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Who invented the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

What was the purpose of the cotton gin?

To remove seeds from cotton fibers quickly

What impact did the cotton gin have on the economy?

It increased cotton production and made cotton a profitable crop

When was the cotton gin invented?


What is the significance of Eli Whitney's invention?

It revolutionized the cotton industry and led to an increase in slavery in the United States

What was the impact of the cotton gin on slavery?

It led to the expansion of slavery in the American South

Before the cotton gin, how were seeds removed from cotton fiber?

By hand, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive

What other industry benefitted from the invention of the cotton gin?

Textile industry

What region of the United States was most affected by the cotton gin?

Southern states

What materials were used to make the cotton gin?

Wood and metal

How did the cotton gin impact the demand for slave labor?

The demand for slave labor increased as cotton production became more profitable

What invention did Eli Whitney create before the cotton gin?

Interchangeable parts

What was the key feature of the cotton gin?

The use of rotating brushes and a spiked cylinder to separate seeds from cotton fibers

How did the cotton gin contribute to the spread of cotton cultivation?

It made cotton cultivation more profitable and efficient, encouraging its expansion

What problems did the invention of the cotton gin solve?

The slow and laborious process of separating seeds from cotton fibers


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Test Your Knowledge

Who invented the cotton gin?

What was the purpose of the cotton gin?

When was the cotton gin invented?

What impact did the cotton gin have on the economy?

What region of the United States was most affected by the cotton gin?

What materials were used to make the cotton gin?

What invention did Eli Whitney create before the cotton gin?

What was the key feature of the cotton gin?

What impact did the cotton gin have on slavery?

What problems did the invention of the cotton gin solve?

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