Flashcards on Crimean War: Russia vs. Allies

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When did the Crimean War take place?


Which countries were part of the Allies during the Crimean War?

Britain, France, Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia

Who was the Russian leader during the Crimean War?

Tsar Nicholas I

What was the main cause of the Crimean War?

Dispute over religious rights in the Holy Land

Who won the Crimean War?

The Allies

What was the significance of the Battle of Balaklava?

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place during this battle.

Which nurse became famous for her work during the Crimean War?

Florence Nightingale

What was the impact of the Crimean War on Russia?

It exposed weaknesses in the Russian military and led to reforms.

What was the Treaty of Paris in relation to the Crimean War?

It ended the war and imposed terms on Russia.

What technological innovation had a significant impact on the Crimean War?

The telegraph allowed faster communication between military leaders.

What was the role of Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War?

She improved healthcare and sanitation in military hospitals.

Which major battles took place during the Crimean War?

Battle of Alma, Battle of Balaclava, and Siege of Sevastopol

What was the primary conflict zone during the Crimean War?

Crimean Peninsula in present-day Ukraine

What was the long-term impact of the Crimean War on European geopolitics?

It weakened Russia's position as a dominant power in Europe.

How were trenches used during the Siege of Sevastopol in the Crimean War?

They were dug by both sides for defensive purposes.


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Crimean War take place?

Who were the main countries forming the Allies during the Crimean War?

Who was the leader of Russia during the Crimean War?

What was the cause of the Crimean War?

Who won the Crimean War?

Which nurse became famous for her work during the Crimean War?

What was the impact of the Crimean War on Russia?

What was the Treaty of Paris in relation to the Crimean War?

What was the significant role of the telegraph during the Crimean War?

Who took charge of improving healthcare and sanitation in military hospitals during the Crimean War?

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