Flashcards on Cytokinesis in Animal Cells

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What is cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is the final stage of the cell division process where the cytoplasm is divided into two new daughter cells.

What happens during cytokinesis in animal cells?

During cytokinesis in animal cells, a contractile ring of actin filaments forms at the equator of the cell and contracts, pinching the cell membrane inward to form a cleavage furrow.

How is cytokinesis different in animal and plant cells?

While animal cells undergo cytokinesis by forming a cleavage furrow, plant cells form a cell plate in the middle of the cell to separate it into two daughter cells.

What is the function of the contractile ring during cytokinesis in animal cells?

The contractile ring made of actin filaments contracts during cytokinesis in animal cells to constrict the cell membrane and divide the cell into two daughter cells.

When does cytokinesis occur in the cell cycle?

Cytokinesis occurs in the final stage of the cell cycle, following mitosis or meiosis, depending on the type of cell division.

What are the two daughter cells formed during cytokinesis called?

The two daughter cells formed during cytokinesis are genetically identical and are called daughter cells or sister cells.

Which cellular component plays a crucial role in cytokinesis in animal cells?

The contractile ring, composed of actin filaments, plays a crucial role in cytokinesis in animal cells.

What happens to the organelles and other cell components during cytokinesis?

The organelles and other cell components are evenly distributed between the two daughter cells during cytokinesis.

What triggers the initiation of cytokinesis in animal cells?

The trigger for the initiation of cytokinesis in animal cells is when the chromosomes have finished segregating into two distinct groups.

What is the purpose of cytokinesis in animal cells?

The purpose of cytokinesis in animal cells is to ensure that each daughter cell receives a copy of the genetic material and the necessary cellular components.

How does cytokinesis contribute to the growth and development of multicellular organisms?

Cytokinesis allows for the expansion of multicellular organisms by producing new cells for tissue growth and repair.

What are the consequences of abnormalities in cytokinesis?

Abnormalities in cytokinesis can lead to the formation of cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes, which can contribute to genetic disorders and cancer.

What are some factors that can influence cytokinesis in animal cells?

Factors such as cell size, available nutrients, and signaling molecules can influence cytokinesis in animal cells.

Can cytokinesis occur without mitosis?

Cytokinesis can occur without mitosis in certain cells, such as in some developmental processes and in cells that undergo endoreplication.

What is the role of the centrosome in cytokinesis?

The centrosome is involved in organizing the microtubules required for cytokinesis in animal cells.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is cytokinesis?

How does cytokinesis differ between animal and plant cells?

Which cellular component plays a crucial role in cytokinesis?

When does cytokinesis occur in the cell cycle?

What happens to the organelles during cytokinesis?

What triggers the initiation of cytokinesis in animal cells?

Can cytokinesis occur without mitosis?

What are the consequences of abnormalities in cytokinesis?

What is the purpose of cytokinesis in animal cells?

How does cytokinesis contribute to the growth and development of multicellular organisms?

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