Flashcards on Czech Verbs

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What is the infinitive form of the Czech verb 'jíst'?

To eat

What is the present tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'číst' for the pronoun 'já'?


What is the past tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'běžet' for the pronoun 'on/ona/ono'?


What is the future tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'mít' for the pronoun 'my'?

budeme mít

What is the imperative form of the Czech verb 'dělat' for the pronoun 'vy'?


What is the reflexive form of the Czech verb 'učit' for the pronoun 'ona'?

učí se

What is the conditional tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'hrát' for the pronoun 'on/ona/ono'?

hrál by/hrála by/hrálo by

What is the passive voice conjugation of the Czech verb 'malovat' for the pronoun 'vy'?

malujete se

What is the gerund form of the Czech verb 'psát'?


What is the transitive form of the Czech verb 'jist' (to eat)?


What is the intransitive form of the Czech verb 'plakat' (to cry)?


What is the past participle form of the Czech verb 'vidět'?


What is the future perfect tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'psát' for the pronoun 'ty'?

psal budeš

What is the conditional perfect tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'dělat' for the pronoun 'já'?

dělal bych/dělala bych/dělalo bych

What is the imperfective aspect form of the Czech verb 'mluvit' (to speak)?


What is the infinitive form of the Czech verb 'jíst'?

To eat

What is the present tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'číst' for the pronoun 'já'?


What is the past tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'běžet' for the pronoun 'on/ona/ono'?


What is the future tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'mít' for the pronoun 'my'?

budeme mít

What is the imperative form of the Czech verb 'dělat' for the pronoun 'vy'?


What is the reflexive form of the Czech verb 'učit' for the pronoun 'ona'?

učí se

What is the conditional tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'hrát' for the pronoun 'on/ona/ono'?

hrál by/hrála by/hrálo by

What is the passive voice conjugation of the Czech verb 'malovat' for the pronoun 'vy'?

malujete se

What is the gerund form of the Czech verb 'psát'?


What is the transitive form of the Czech verb 'jist' (to eat)?


What is the intransitive form of the Czech verb 'plakat' (to cry)?


What is the past participle form of the Czech verb 'vidět'?


What is the future perfect tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'psát' for the pronoun 'ty'?

psal budeš

What is the conditional perfect tense conjugation of the Czech verb 'dělat' for the pronoun 'já'?

dělal bych/dělala bych/dělalo bych

What is the imperfective aspect form of the Czech verb 'mluvit' (to speak)?



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