Flashcards on Das Parteiprogramm der AfD

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What does AfD stand for?

Alternative für Deutschland

When was the AfD founded?

April 6, 2013

What are the main goals of the AfD?

1. Opposition to eurozone bailouts, 2. Immigration restrictions, 3. Direct democracy

Who is the current leader of the AfD?

Tino Chrupalla

Which political ideology does the AfD align with?

Right-wing populism

What are the AfD's views on immigration?

Opposes open-door immigration policies and advocates for stricter controls

What is the AfD's stance on the European Union?

Critics of increased European integration and advocate for sovereign national states

What is the AfD's stance on climate change?

Skeptical of climate change and opposes measures that harm economic growth

What is the AfD's position on LGBTQ+ rights?

Opposes same-sex marriage and promotes traditional family values

How many seats does the AfD currently hold in the Bundestag?


What is the AfD's economic policy?

Advocates for free-market capitalism and reduced government intervention

What is the AfD's stance on education?

Supports greater emphasis on German culture, history, and values in schools

Is the AfD considered a far-right party?

It is often described as a far-right populist party, although the party rejects this label

What is the AfD's position on the EU's common currency?

Opposes the euro and advocates for a return to national currencies

Has the AfD faced any controversies?

Yes, the party has faced criticism for alleged xenophobia and ties to far-right groups

What does AfD stand for?

Alternative für Deutschland

When was the AfD founded?

April 6, 2013

What are the main goals of the AfD?

1. Opposition to eurozone bailouts, 2. Immigration restrictions, 3. Direct democracy

Who is the current leader of the AfD?

Tino Chrupalla

Which political ideology does the AfD align with?

Right-wing populism

What are the AfD's views on immigration?

Opposes open-door immigration policies and advocates for stricter controls

What is the AfD's stance on the European Union?

Critics of increased European integration and advocate for sovereign national states

What is the AfD's stance on climate change?

Skeptical of climate change and opposes measures that harm economic growth

What is the AfD's position on LGBTQ+ rights?

Opposes same-sex marriage and promotes traditional family values

How many seats does the AfD currently hold in the Bundestag?


What is the AfD's economic policy?

Advocates for free-market capitalism and reduced government intervention

What is the AfD's stance on education?

Supports greater emphasis on German culture, history, and values in schools

Is the AfD considered a far-right party?

It is often described as a far-right populist party, although the party rejects this label

What is the AfD's position on the EU's common currency?

Opposes the euro and advocates for a return to national currencies

Has the AfD faced any controversies?

Yes, the party has faced criticism for alleged xenophobia and ties to far-right groups


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