Flashcards on Definition and Characteristics of Communication

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What is communication?

The process of exchanging information or ideas between individuals or groups.

What are the characteristics of communication?

1. Involves a sender and receiver 2. Requires a message 3. Can be verbal or non-verbal

What is the sender in communication?

The person or entity who initiates the communication by sending a message.

What is the receiver in communication?

The person or entity who receives the message in communication.

What is a message in communication?

The information or idea that is being conveyed from the sender to the receiver in communication.

What is verbal communication?

Communication using spoken or written words.

What is non-verbal communication?

Communication using body language, facial expressions, gestures, etc., without the use of words.

What is effective communication?

Communication that successfully delivers the intended message to the receiver and is understood.

What is the importance of communication?

Communication is essential for expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, and for building relationships and understanding.

What are the barriers to communication?

Factors that hinder or interrupt effective communication, such as language barriers, noise, distractions, etc.

What is formal communication?

Communication that follows prescribed rules, protocols, and channels within an organization or institution.

What is informal communication?

Communication that occurs without the use of formal channels or protocols, often in casual or social settings.

What is feedback in communication?

The response or reaction provided by the receiver to the sender's message.

What is interpersonal communication?

Communication that takes place between individuals, either face-to-face or through other mediums.

What is mass communication?

Communication that reaches a large audience through mediums such as television, radio, newspapers, etc.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is communication?

What are the characteristics of communication?

What is verbal communication?

What is non-verbal communication?

What is effective communication?

What is the importance of communication?

What are the barriers to communication?

What is feedback in communication?

What is formal communication?

What is interpersonal communication?

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