Flashcards on Development of Indian Classical Dance Forms

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Which dance form is known as the dance of the mind and soul?


Which classical dance form originated in the temples of Tamil Nadu?


Name the dance that tells stories of Krishna and is known for its expressive gestures.


Identify the classical dance form characterized by intricate footwork and rapid spins.


Which dance style is defined by sculpturesque poses and is known as the 'Poetry in Motion'?


Which dance form is inspired by the Radha-Krishna myth and its romanticism?


Which is the only classical dance of India having links with Muslim culture?


What is the oldest surviving dance form in India based on Natya Shastra?


Name the dance form characterized by mime and stylized movements from Kerala.


Which Indian dance form is noted for its fixed upper torso, spectacular footwork, and sophisticated vocabulary of sign language?


Which classical dance form often includes drama and is performed to narrate a story?


What type of jewelry is typical for the dancers performing Kathak?


Identify the dance form that is often performed in a group and has intricate group formations.


What are the rhythmic syllables called that are vocalized by Indian Classical Dancers?


Which Indian classical dance is traditionally a solo performance with exceptional attention to hand gestures?



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What is the literal meaning of 'Kathakali'?

In which state did the dance form Kathak originate?

Which Indian classical dance is known for storytelling through facial expressions?

Natya Shastra, the ancient text of dance and drama, is associated with what religion?

Which form of Indian classical dance has a repertoire that includes water pot dances balancing on the head?

Which classical dance form includes stylized gestures called 'Mudras'?

What is the distinguishing costume characteristic of Kathakali dancers?

Which Indian classical dance is performed on brass plates?

The dance form 'Odissi' is associated with the worship of which deity?

Which of the following is not a recognized Indian classical dance form?

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