Flashcards on Developmental Biology

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What is developmental biology?

Developmental biology is the study of how organisms grow and develop from a single cell to a complex organism.

What is the main focus of developmental biology?

The main focus of developmental biology is to understand the processes and mechanisms that control the formation of tissues, organs, and organ systems during development.

How does embryonic development occur?

Embryonic development occurs through a series of carefully coordinated cell divisions, cell migrations, and cell differentiations.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to differentiate into different cell types in the body.

What is the significance of homeobox genes in development?

Homeobox genes are master regulatory genes that control the development of body structures and organs.

What is the process of gastrulation?

Gastrulation is the process by which a blastula-like structure is transformed into a multi-layered structure called a gastrula.

What is the role of morphogens in development?

Morphogens are signaling molecules that control the pattern formation and cell differentiation during development.

What is the function of Hox genes in development?

Hox genes play a key role in determining the positional identity of cells along the anterior-posterior axis during embryonic development.

What are the stages of embryonic development?

The stages of embryonic development include fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, organogenesis, and fetal development.

What is the process of neurogenesis?

Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are generated from neural stem cells in the developing embryo.

What is the role of cell signaling in development?

Cell signaling plays a crucial role in coordinating the differentiation and development of cells during embryogenesis.

What are the factors that influence developmental processes?

Genetic factors, environmental factors, and epigenetic factors can influence developmental processes.

What are the different morphogenetic movements in development?

The different morphogenetic movements include invagination, involution, convergent extension, and cell migration.

What is the role of cell adhesion molecules in development?

Cell adhesion molecules mediate cell-to-cell adhesion and play a critical role in tissue morphogenesis during development.

What is the process of organogenesis?

Organogenesis is the process by which the rudimentary structures formed during gastrulation develop into organs with specific functions.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main focus of developmental biology?

What is the significance of homeobox genes in development?

What are stem cells?

What is the role of morphogens in development?

What is the process of neurogenesis?

What are the stages of embryonic development?

What is the role of cell signaling in development?

What are the factors that influence developmental processes?

What is the process of organogenesis?

What is the function of Hox genes in development?

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