Flashcards on Developmental Disorders

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What are developmental disorders?

Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect a child's learning, behavior, and development.

What are some common types of developmental disorders?

Some common types of developmental disorders include autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and intellectual disability.

What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication skills, and behavior.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD include difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

What is intellectual disability?

Intellectual disability is a condition characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.

How are developmental disorders diagnosed?

Developmental disorders are usually diagnosed through assessments by healthcare professionals, including doctors and psychologists.

Can developmental disorders be treated?

While there is no cure for developmental disorders, early interventions, therapies, and support services can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes intellectual and developmental delays. It is characterized by an extra copy of chromosome 21.

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects reading, spelling, and language processing.

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. It is caused by damage to the brain during early development.

What is the role of special education in supporting students with developmental disorders?

Special education provides tailored instruction, accommodations, and support services to meet the unique learning needs of students with developmental disorders.

What is the prevalence of developmental disorders?

Developmental disorders are relatively common, with varying prevalence rates depending on the specific disorder.

What are some early signs of developmental disorders in children?

Some early signs of developmental disorders in children include delayed speech and language, lack of social interaction, and repetitive behaviors.

What is the impact of developmental disorders on individuals and their families?

Developmental disorders can have a significant impact on individuals, their families, and their overall quality of life.

What is the importance of early intervention for children with developmental disorders?

Early intervention can help improve outcomes for children with developmental disorders by addressing challenges early on and supporting their overall development.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is a neurodevelopmental disorder?

What is the most common type of developmental disorder?

Which of the following is a learning disorder?

What chromosome abnormality is associated with Down syndrome?

Which of the following is a symptom of ADHD?

What is the role of special education in supporting students with developmental disorders?

What is the impact of developmental disorders on individuals and their families?

Which of the following is a symptom of cerebral palsy?

What is the prevalence of developmental disorders?

How are developmental disorders usually diagnosed?

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