Flashcards on Disaster Management: Mitigation and Preparedness

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What is disaster management?

Disaster management refers to the process of planning, preparing, and coordinating various actions to prevent or minimize the impact of disasters.

What is mitigation in disaster management?

Mitigation involves actions taken to reduce or eliminate the risks and effects of disasters.

What is preparedness in disaster management?

Preparedness refers to the measures and actions taken in advance to ensure effective response and recovery from disasters.

What are some examples of mitigation strategies?

Examples of mitigation strategies include building earthquake-resistant structures, implementing early warning systems, and creating evacuation plans.

What are some ways to promote disaster preparedness?

Ways to promote disaster preparedness include conducting drills and simulations, raising awareness through educational campaigns, and providing training on emergency response.

What is the importance of disaster management?

Disaster management is important for saving lives, reducing damages and losses, and ensuring a prompt and effective response during emergencies.

What is the role of the community in disaster management?

The community plays a vital role in disaster management by actively participating in preparedness activities, supporting response efforts, and assisting in the recovery process.

What are the phases of disaster management?

The phases of disaster management are mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

What is the difference between mitigation and preparedness?

Mitigation focuses on reducing or preventing the impact of disasters, while preparedness focuses on being ready to respond effectively in case of a disaster.

What are some natural disasters that require mitigation and preparedness?

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires require mitigation and preparedness measures to minimize their impact on communities.

What is the importance of early warning systems in disaster management?

Early warning systems provide timely information about potential disasters, allowing people to take appropriate actions and evacuate if necessary.

How can individuals contribute to disaster management?

Individuals can contribute to disaster management by being prepared, following safety guidelines, volunteering in relief efforts, and spreading awareness about disaster risks.

What are some challenges faced in disaster management?

Challenges in disaster management include inadequate resources, coordination issues, population growth in high-risk areas, and climate change.

What is the role of government agencies in disaster management?

Government agencies are responsible for developing policies, coordinating response efforts, providing financial assistance, and supporting recovery and reconstruction after a disaster.

What are some examples of non-natural disasters that require mitigation and preparedness?

Non-natural disasters such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, and pandemics require mitigation and preparedness measures to mitigate their impact on society.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which phase of disaster management focuses on reducing or eliminating risks?

What is the purpose of early warning systems in disaster management?

Why is community involvement important in disaster management?

Which of the following is an example of a non-natural disaster?

What is the main goal of disaster management?

What are some examples of mitigation measures?

What is the role of government agencies in disaster management?

What is the purpose of preparedness activities in disaster management?

Which of the following is an example of a natural disaster?

How can individuals contribute to disaster management?

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