Flashcards on Dissolution of Monasteries

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Who ordered the dissolution of monasteries in England?

King Henry VIII

In which year did the dissolution of monasteries begin?


What was the purpose of the dissolution of monasteries?

To seize monastic wealth and properties, and transfer power from the Pope to the King

Which Act officially dissolved the monasteries in England?

The Suppression of Religious Houses Act of 1539

Who were some influential figures involved in the dissolution of monasteries?

Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer

What happened to the confiscated monastic properties after the dissolution?

They were sold or given to the King's supporters and nobles

How did the dissolution impact religious life in England?

It led to the decline of traditional monasticism and the rise of Protestantism

What happened to the monks and nuns after their monasteries were dissolved?

Many were pensioned off, while others faced poverty and had to find new ways to support themselves

How long did the process of dissolving the monasteries take?

Several years, from 1536 to 1540

Why did some people oppose the dissolution of monasteries?

They believed that monasteries played important roles in charity and education

What impact did the dissolution have on the English economy?

It injected a significant amount of wealth into the royal treasury

Was every monastery dissolved during this period?

No, a few monasteries were allowed to survive by becoming cathedrals or colleges

How did the dissolution of monasteries impact art and culture?

It led to the destruction of religious artwork and libraries in many monasteries

What role did Thomas Cromwell play in the dissolution of monasteries?

He orchestrated much of the process as chief minister to Henry VIII

What happened to the monastic buildings after the dissolution?

Some were repurposed or demolished, while others fell into ruins

Who ordered the dissolution of monasteries in England?

King Henry VIII

In which year did the dissolution of monasteries begin?


What was the purpose of the dissolution of monasteries?

To seize monastic wealth and properties, and transfer power from the Pope to the King

Which Act officially dissolved the monasteries in England?

The Suppression of Religious Houses Act of 1539

Who were some influential figures involved in the dissolution of monasteries?

Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer

What happened to the confiscated monastic properties after the dissolution?

They were sold or given to the King's supporters and nobles

How did the dissolution impact religious life in England?

It led to the decline of traditional monasticism and the rise of Protestantism

What happened to the monks and nuns after their monasteries were dissolved?

Many were pensioned off, while others faced poverty and had to find new ways to support themselves

How long did the process of dissolving the monasteries take?

Several years, from 1536 to 1540

Why did some people oppose the dissolution of monasteries?

They believed that monasteries played important roles in charity and education

What impact did the dissolution have on the English economy?

It injected a significant amount of wealth into the royal treasury

Was every monastery dissolved during this period?

No, a few monasteries were allowed to survive by becoming cathedrals or colleges

How did the dissolution of monasteries impact art and culture?

It led to the destruction of religious artwork and libraries in many monasteries

What role did Thomas Cromwell play in the dissolution of monasteries?

He orchestrated much of the process as chief minister to Henry VIII

What happened to the monastic buildings after the dissolution?

Some were repurposed or demolished, while others fell into ruins


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