Flashcards on Dust Bowl

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What caused the Dust Bowl?

Severe drought and poor farming practices.

When did the Dust Bowl occur?

The 1930s.

Which states were most affected by the Dust Bowl?

Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico.

What were the long-term effects of the Dust Bowl?

Soil erosion, population migration, and economic hardship.

What was a common nickname given to the people affected by the Dust Bowl?


What was the impact of the Dust Bowl on agriculture?

Significant damage to crops and farmland.

Who wrote the novel 'The Grapes of Wrath' that depicted the struggles of Dust Bowl migrants?

John Steinbeck.

How did the government respond to the Dust Bowl?

Through the implementation of soil conservation practices and the creation of the Soil Conservation Service.

What were some of the environmental impacts of the Dust Bowl?

Dust storms, air pollution, and decreased biodiversity.

What were the main causes of the severe drought during the Dust Bowl?

Natural climate patterns such as El Niño and La Niña, coupled with human activities.

What federal program aimed to restore the grasslands in the Great Plains after the Dust Bowl?

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

How did the Dust Bowl impact the migration patterns of people?

Many people from the affected states moved west in search of better opportunities.

What was one of the major consequences of the Dust Bowl on the economy?

Decreased agricultural production and increased unemployment.

What were the Black Sunday storms?

Massive dust storms that occurred on April 14, 1935.

What measures were taken to prevent another Dust Bowl-like event?

Improved agricultural practices, the establishment of windbreaks, and the planting of cover crops.


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Test Your Knowledge

What caused the Dust Bowl?

When did the Dust Bowl occur?

Which states were most affected by the Dust Bowl?

Who wrote the novel 'The Grapes of Wrath' that depicted the struggles of Dust Bowl migrants?

What were the environmental impacts of the Dust Bowl?

What were the long-term effects of the Dust Bowl?

What federal program aimed to restore the grasslands in the Great Plains after the Dust Bowl?

How did the government respond to the Dust Bowl?

What were the main causes of the severe drought during the Dust Bowl?

What impact did the Dust Bowl have on agriculture?

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