Flashcards on Economic Policies of Jawaharlal Nehru

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What economic model did Nehru primarily follow?

Mixed Economy

What plan did Nehru implement for economic development?

Five-Year Plans

Which sector was given priority in Nehru's time?

Public Sector

Which policy did Nehru advocate for protecting domestic industries?

Import Substitution

What was the goal of the First Five-Year Plan?

Agricultural Development

Which industrial policy was announced under Nehru in 1956?

Industrial Policy Resolution

What was the main focus of the Second Five-Year Plan?


What organization was established for rural development and community projects?

Community Development Programme

Which institute was founded to support IT industry and technological education?

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)

What was used to implement industrial development?

Central Planning

Which sector was largely controlled by the state under Nehru?

Heavy Industry

What did Nehru's economic policy promote in terms of scientific research?

Scientific Temper

What was established to reform and modernize the agricultural sector?

Green Revolution

Which term describes Nehru's approach of not aligning with any major power bloc?


What initiative did Nehru launch for the development of Science & Technology?

National Laboratories


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Test Your Knowledge

Which economic model was favored by Nehru?

What was the main focus of Nehru's First Five-Year Plan?

The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 prioritized which sector?

Nehru's economic policy aimed to protect domestic industries through what?

The establishment of which institutions is associated with Nehru’s emphasis on technology?

Which strategy did Nehru use to implement industrial development?

Under Nehru, heavy industry was largely controlled by?

Nehru’s foreign policy that impacted economic relations is known as?

Which agricultural initiative is associated with Nehru's period for increasing food grain production?

What did Nehru promote to foster development of Science & Technology?

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