Flashcards on Economics: Market Structures

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What is a monopoly?

A market structure with a single seller and no close substitutes.

What is perfect competition?

A market structure with many sellers and buyers, identical products, and easy entry and exit.

What is monopolistic competition?

A market structure with many sellers, differentiated products, and easy entry and exit.

What is an oligopoly?

A market structure with few large sellers, differentiated or identical products, and significant barriers to entry.

What is market power?

Ability of a firm or group of firms to influence the market price and quantity of a good or service.

What is price discrimination?

Charging different prices to different customers for the same product or service.

What are barriers to entry?

Obstacles that make it difficult for new firms to enter a market.

What is product differentiation?

Process of distinguishing a product or service from others in the market.

What is market share?

Percentage of total sales in a market that a firm or brand controls.

What is a barrier to exit?

Obstacle that makes it difficult for a firm to leave a market.

What is collusion?

An agreement between firms to manipulate prices, production, or other market conditions.

What is a natural monopoly?

A monopoly that occurs when there are economies of scale over the entire range of market demand.

What is a duopoly?

A market structure with two dominant sellers.

What is market concentration?

Extent to which a few large firms dominate a market.

What is a cartel?

A group of firms that collude to reduce competition and increase their joint profits.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which market structure has many sellers and buyers, identical products, and easy entry and exit?

What type of market structure has few large sellers, differentiated or identical products, and significant barriers to entry?

What term refers to the ability of a firm or group of firms to influence the market price and quantity of a good or service?

Which market structure is characterized by a single seller and no close substitutes?

What does price discrimination refer to?

What are barriers to entry?

What is product differentiation?

What term refers to the percentage of total sales in a market that a firm or brand controls?

What is a cartel?

What term refers to the extent to which a few large firms dominate a market?

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