Flashcards on El Tiranosaurio

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What is the name of the group of dinosaurs that T-Rex belongs to?


What is the estimated weight of an adult T-Rex?

7-9 tons

What is the name of the famous T-Rex fossil found in South Dakota?


What is one theory about how T-Rex hunted?

It may have been a scavenger rather than a hunter

What was the length of an adult T-Rex?

40-43 feet

How long ago did T-Rex live?

68-66 million years ago

What was T-Rex's bite force?

Up to 12,800 pounds per square inch

What is the name of the opening scene dinosaur in the movie Jurassic Park?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

What is the name of the first discovered T-Rex fossil?

The Black Hills Tyrannosaurus

What is the name of the smallest known relative of T-Rex?


What is the name of the museum in Washington, D.C. that has a T-Rex skeleton on display?

National Museum of Natural History

What is the name of the impact event that is thought to have caused the extinction of T-Rex?

Chicxulub impact

What is the name of the theory that suggests that T-Rex may have been a warm-blooded animal?

Endothermic theory

What is the scientific name for T-Rex?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

What is the name of the fossilized T-Rex embryo found in Montana?

Baby Bob

What is the name of the group of dinosaurs that T-Rex belongs to?


What is the estimated weight of an adult T-Rex?

7-9 tons

What is the name of the famous T-Rex fossil found in South Dakota?


What is one theory about how T-Rex hunted?

It may have been a scavenger rather than a hunter

What was the length of an adult T-Rex?

40-43 feet

How long ago did T-Rex live?

68-66 million years ago

What was T-Rex's bite force?

Up to 12,800 pounds per square inch

What is the name of the opening scene dinosaur in the movie Jurassic Park?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

What is the name of the first discovered T-Rex fossil?

The Black Hills Tyrannosaurus

What is the name of the smallest known relative of T-Rex?


What is the name of the museum in Washington, D.C. that has a T-Rex skeleton on display?

National Museum of Natural History

What is the name of the impact event that is thought to have caused the extinction of T-Rex?

Chicxulub impact

What is the name of the theory that suggests that T-Rex may have been a warm-blooded animal?

Endothermic theory

What is the scientific name for T-Rex?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

What is the name of the fossilized T-Rex embryo found in Montana?

Baby Bob


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