Flashcards on Elastic Properties of Solids

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What is the definition of elasticity?

The ability of a material to regain its original shape after being deformed.

What are the three types of deformation in solids?

Elastic, plastic, and viscous deformation.

What is the formula to calculate stress?

Stress = Force / Area

What is the formula to calculate strain?

Strain = Change in length / Original length

What is Hooke's Law?

It states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is directly proportional to that distance.

What is Young's modulus?

It is a measure of the stiffness of a material and is defined as the ratio of stress to strain.

What is the unit of stress?

Pascals (Pa)

What is the unit of strain?

No unit (dimensionless)

What are some examples of elastic solids?

Rubber bands, springs, and trampoline mats.

What is the relationship between stress and strain in elastic deformation?

They are directly proportional (linear relationship).

What happens to a solid when it undergoes plastic deformation?

The material undergoes permanent deformation.

What is the elastic limit of a solid?

It is the maximum stress or force that a solid can withstand without experiencing permanent deformation.

What is shear modulus?

It is a measure of a material's resistance to shear deformation.

What is bulk modulus?

It is a measure of a material's resistance to uniform compression or volume change.

What is the relationship between stress, strain, and Young's modulus?

Stress = Young's modulus × Strain


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the definition of elasticity?

What is the unit of stress?

What is Hooke's Law?

What is the relationship between stress and strain in elastic deformation?

What is the formula to calculate strain?

What is the elastic limit of a solid?

What is shear modulus?

What is bulk modulus?

What is the formula to calculate stress?

What is Young's modulus?

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