Flashcards on Electric Potential and Voltage

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What is electric potential?

The amount of electric potential energy per unit charge.

What is voltage?

The measure of electric potential difference between two points in a circuit.

What is the SI unit of electric potential and voltage?

Volts (V)

How is electric potential measured?

Using a voltmeter.

What does a positive electric potential indicate?

A positive electric potential indicates that work would be done in moving a positive test charge from infinity to the point in question.

What does a negative electric potential indicate?

A negative electric potential indicates that work would be done by the electric field in moving a positive test charge from infinity to the point in question.

What is the formula to calculate electric potential difference?

Electric potential difference (V) = Work done (W) / Charge (Q)

What is the relationship between electric potential and voltage?

Voltage is the electric potential difference between two points in a circuit.

What are the factors that affect electric potential?

The amount of charge and the distance from the source of electric potential.

What is the relationship between electric potential and electric field?

Electric potential is the amount of electric potential energy per unit charge, while electric field is the force experienced by a unit charge.

What is electric potential energy?

The energy possessed by a charged particle due to its position in an electric field.

What is the unit of electric potential energy?

Joules (J)

What is the formula to calculate electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy (PE) = Charge (Q) * Electric potential (V)

What is the relation between electric potential difference and electric field?

Electric potential difference is the product of the electric field strength and the distance over which the potential difference is measured.

How does electric potential affect the flow of current?

Higher electric potential leads to a higher flow of current.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is electric potential?

What is the SI unit of electric potential and voltage?

How is electric potential measured?

What does a negative electric potential indicate?

What is the formula to calculate electric potential difference?

What are the factors that affect electric potential?

What is electric potential energy?

What is the unit of electric potential energy?

What is the relation between electric potential difference and electric field?

How does electric potential affect the flow of current?

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