Flashcards on Electron Microscopy

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What is Electron Microscopy?

Electron Microscopy is a method of studying specimens using a focused beam of electrons.

What are the two main types of electron microscopes?

The two main types of electron microscopes are transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM).

What is the difference between TEM and SEM?

TEM transmits electrons through the specimen, while SEM scans the surface of the specimen to generate images.

What is the maximum resolution of an electron microscope?

The maximum resolution of an electron microscope is typically around 0.05 nanometers.

What are the advantages of electron microscopy over light microscopy?

Electron microscopy offers higher magnification and resolution, as well as the ability to study objects at the atomic level.

What is the source of electrons in an electron microscope?

Electron microscopes use a heated filament or an electron gun as the source of electrons.

What is the purpose of staining specimens in electron microscopy?

Staining enhances the contrast of the specimen, making it easier to see details under the electron microscope.

What are some applications of electron microscopy?

Electron microscopy is used in various fields such as materials science, biology, and nanotechnology.

What is the acronym STEM in electron microscopy?

STEM stands for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.

What are some limitations of electron microscopy?

Electron microscopy requires vacuum conditions, specimens must be dehydrated and fixed, and it cannot capture dynamic processes.

How does electron microscopy contribute to our understanding of viruses?

Electron microscopy enables visualization of the structure and morphology of viruses, aiding in virus classification and research on antiviral drugs.

What is the role of electron microscopy in materials science?

Electron microscopy allows researchers to examine the microstructure and defects in materials, facilitating the development of new materials with improved properties.

What is the purpose of the electron detector in an electron microscope?

The electron detector captures the electrons that pass through the specimen or are scattered by the specimen, producing an image of the sample.

What is cryo-electron microscopy used for?

Cryo-electron microscopy is used to study the structures of biological macromolecules, such as proteins and complexes, in their native state.

How does scanning electron microscopy help in forensic investigations?

Scanning electron microscopy can provide detailed surface analysis of trace evidence, such as fibers, particles, or tool marks, aiding in forensic investigations.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main difference between transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)?

What is the maximum resolution of an electron microscope?

Which field extensively utilizes electron microscopy for studying nanostructures?

What is the purpose of staining specimens in electron microscopy?

What does STEM stand for in electron microscopy?

What are some limitations of electron microscopy?

How does electron microscopy contribute to virus research?

What role does electron microscopy play in materials science?

What does the electron detector in an electron microscope do?

What is the primary application of cryo-electron microscopy?

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