Flashcards on Elements of Communication

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What are the four main elements of communication?

The four main elements of communication are sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

What does the sender do in the communication process?

The sender initiates the communication by encoding and transmitting the message.

What is the message in communication?

The message is the information or content being communicated.

Who is the receiver in the communication process?

The receiver is the person or audience who receives and decodes the message.

Why is feedback important in communication?

Feedback helps ensure that the message has been understood and allows for clarification or adjustments.

What is verbal communication?

Verbal communication involves the use of words, either spoken or written, to convey a message.

What is non-verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, body language, and other forms of communication without words.

What is the role of listening in communication?

Listening is a crucial element of communication as it allows the receiver to understand and respond effectively to the message.

What is the channel in communication?

The channel is the medium or method used to transmit the message, such as face-to-face conversation, phone call, email, etc.

What are barriers to effective communication?

Barriers to effective communication include language barriers, distractions, misunderstandings, and lack of feedback.

What is the purpose of communication?

The purpose of communication is to convey information, ideas, feelings, or opinions between individuals or groups.

How does body language impact communication?

Body language can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions, influencing the interpretation of the message.

What is the role of context in communication?

Context refers to the surrounding circumstances or situation in which communication takes place, influencing the interpretation of the message.

What is the importance of clarity in communication?

Clarity ensures that the message is easily understood without ambiguity or confusion.

How can active listening improve communication?

Active listening involves fully engaging in the conversation, focusing on the speaker, and providing feedback, leading to better understanding and effective communication.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is NOT one of the main elements of communication?

What does feedback in communication help to achieve?

Which type of communication involves the use of words?

What is the purpose of communication?

Which form of communication includes gestures and body language?

What does the channel in communication refer to?

What are the barriers to effective communication?

How does body language impact communication?

What does context refer to in communication?

How can active listening improve communication?

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