Flashcards on Endocrinology

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What is the study of hormones and their effects on the body called?


Which system in the body is responsible for producing and regulating hormones?

Endocrine system

What are the chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands called?


Which gland is often referred to as the 'master gland' of the endocrine system?

Pituitary gland

What is the main function of the thyroid gland?

Regulating metabolism

Which hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels?


What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress?


Which hormone plays a key role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males?


What is the medical condition characterized by high blood sugar levels called?


Which gland produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles?

Pineal gland

Which hormone is responsible for stimulating milk production in lactating women?


What is the medical term for an overactive thyroid gland?


Which hormone is responsible for regulating calcium levels in the body?

Parathyroid hormone

What is the medical condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland called?


Which hormone is responsible for stimulating ovulation in females?

Luteinizing hormone


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the study of hormones and their effects on the body called?

Which gland is often referred to as the 'master gland' of the endocrine system?

What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress?

Which hormone plays a key role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males?

What is the main function of the thyroid gland?

Which hormone is responsible for stimulating milk production in lactating women?

What is the medical condition characterized by high blood sugar levels called?

Which hormone is responsible for regulating calcium levels in the body?

What is the medical term for an overactive thyroid gland?

Which hormone is responsible for stimulating ovulation in females?

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