Flashcards on Energy Resources and Conversion

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What is the main difference between renewable and non-renewable energy resources?

Renewable energy resources can be replenished naturally, while non-renewable energy resources are finite and cannot be replenished.

Give an example of a renewable energy resource.

Solar power

Name a fossil fuel.


What is the process of converting sunlight into electrical energy called?

Photovoltaic conversion

What is the primary environmental advantage of wind power?

It produces no greenhouse gas emissions

Give an example of a renewable energy resource.


What type of energy resource is natural gas?


What is the process of extracting energy from uranium called?

Nuclear fission

Which type of energy resource produces the most air pollution?

Fossil fuels

What is the most common form of energy conversion?

From potential energy to kinetic energy

Give an example of a non-renewable energy resource.

Natural gas

How does a wind turbine convert wind energy into electrical energy?

Through the rotation of a turbine and a generator

What is the process of converting biomass into energy called?


Which energy resource is derived from plant and animal matter?


How does geothermal energy harness the heat from the Earth's interior?

Through the use of steam or hot water to drive turbines


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is a renewable energy resource?

What is the primary environmental advantage of solar power?

What is the process of extracting energy from wind called?

Which type of energy resource is coal?

What is the primary environmental disadvantage of fossil fuels?

What is the process of converting uranium into usable energy called?

Which energy resource relies on the heat stored within the Earth's crust?

What is the primary environmental advantage of hydropower?

What is the process of converting biomass into energy through the action of microorganisms called?

Which type of energy resource is natural gas?

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