Flashcards on English Speaking Countries

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What are the official languages spoken in the USA?

English is the official language spoken in the USA.

Which country has a higher percentage of French-speaking population, the USA or Canada?

Canada has a higher percentage of French-speaking population as compared to the USA.

What is the capital of Australia?

Canberra is the capital city of Australia.

What is the national emblem of Canada?

The national emblem of Canada is the maple leaf.

Which language is most commonly spoken in the USA, apart from English?

Spanish is the most commonly spoken language in the USA, apart from English.

What is the form of government in Australia?

Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

Which is the largest state in the USA?

Alaska is the largest state in the USA, by land area.

What is the national animal of Canada?

The national animal of Canada is the beaver.

Which city in the USA is known as the 'Windy City'?

Chicago is known as the 'Windy City' in the USA.

What is the currency used in Australia?

The currency used in Australia is Australian Dollar (AUD).

Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?

Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada.

Which is the largest city in the USA?

New York City is the largest city in the USA, by population.

What is the highest mountain in Australia?

Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in Australia.

What is the nickname of the Australian cricket team?

The Australian cricket team is commonly known as the 'Baggy Greens'.

What is the meaning of the Canadian flag?

The Canadian flag symbolizes peace, unity, and neutrality.

What are the official languages spoken in the USA?

English is the official language spoken in the USA.

Which country has a higher percentage of French-speaking population, the USA or Canada?

Canada has a higher percentage of French-speaking population as compared to the USA.

What is the capital of Australia?

Canberra is the capital city of Australia.

What is the national emblem of Canada?

The national emblem of Canada is the maple leaf.

Which language is most commonly spoken in the USA, apart from English?

Spanish is the most commonly spoken language in the USA, apart from English.

What is the form of government in Australia?

Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

Which is the largest state in the USA?

Alaska is the largest state in the USA, by land area.

What is the national animal of Canada?

The national animal of Canada is the beaver.

Which city in the USA is known as the 'Windy City'?

Chicago is known as the 'Windy City' in the USA.

What is the currency used in Australia?

The currency used in Australia is Australian Dollar (AUD).

Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?

Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada.

Which is the largest city in the USA?

New York City is the largest city in the USA, by population.

What is the highest mountain in Australia?

Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in Australia.

What is the nickname of the Australian cricket team?

The Australian cricket team is commonly known as the 'Baggy Greens'.

What is the meaning of the Canadian flag?

The Canadian flag symbolizes peace, unity, and neutrality.


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