Flashcards on Enlightenment Thinkers: Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke

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Who was a French philosopher and writer of the Enlightenment period?


Which Enlightenment thinker believed in the concept of social contract?


Who advocated for the natural rights of life, liberty, and property?


Which Enlightenment philosopher wrote the famous novel 'Candide'?


Who wrote the influential work 'The Social Contract'?


Which philosopher believed that governments should protect people's natural rights and if they failed to do so, the people had the right to overthrow them?


Who was a strong advocate for freedom of speech and religious tolerance?


Which Enlightenment thinker criticized social inequality and believed that people are born free but are enslaved by society?


Who is often referred to as the 'Father of Liberalism'?


Which philosopher had a major impact on the development of the concept of separation of powers?


Who famously wrote 'I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it'?


Which Enlightenment thinker believed in the importance of education and that society corrupts individuals?


Who argued that individuals have a natural right to life, liberty, and property?


Which thinker believed in the separation of powers to prevent abuse of power?


Who is known for the famous quote 'All men are created equal'?



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Who was a French philosopher and writer of the Enlightenment period?

Which Enlightenment thinker believed in the concept of social contract?

Who advocated for the natural rights of life, liberty, and property?

Which Enlightenment philosopher wrote the famous novel 'Candide'?

Who wrote the influential work 'The Social Contract'?

Which philosopher believed that governments should protect people's natural rights and if they failed to do so, the people had the right to overthrow them?

Who was a strong advocate for freedom of speech and religious tolerance?

Which Enlightenment thinker criticized social inequality and believed that people are born free but are enslaved by society?

Who is often referred to as the 'Father of Liberalism'?

Which thinker believed in the separation of powers to prevent abuse of power?

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