Flashcards on Environmental Factors

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What is the definition of environment?

The environment refers to all the factors that an individual interacts with.

What is the internal environment?

The internal environment refers to the biological processes within the body.

What is the external environment?

The external environment includes everything outside the individual that can affect them.

How does the mother's emotional state during pregnancy affect the fetus?

If the mother experiences stress and emotional disturbances during pregnancy, it can lead to increased crying and gastrointestinal disturbances in the newborn.

What impact can the use of medications, smoking, and drugs during pregnancy have on the fetus?

The excessive use of medications, smoking, and drugs during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the fetus.

How does geography influence a child's development?

Geography can affect a child's development through air quality and exposure to sunlight.

What role does family play in a child's behavior?

The emotional relationships within the family have a significant impact on a child's behavior.

How can school influence a child's development?

Schools contribute to a child's intellectual, social, and physical growth through knowledge acquisition, social interactions, and physical activities.

What role does culture play in shaping a child?

Culture influences a child's habits, traditions, beliefs, myths, rituals, and religion.

What impact does media have on a child's development?

Media influences a child's social development by facilitating communication across communities and exposing them to different cultures.

What is the significance of nutrition in a child's life?

Nutrition is essential for providing energy and sustaining life. Breastfeeding also provides emotional comfort to the child.

What is maturity?

Maturity involves natural growth processes that result in changes in an individual's behavior without any prior training or experience.

What is the role of learning in human development?

Learning refers to changes in behavior that occur as a result of experience and practice, and it interacts with maturity to influence growth.

How do maturity and learning interact in the process of growth?

Both maturity and learning play a combined role in the overall development and growth of an individual.

Can growth occur without both maturity and learning?

No, growth requires both natural maturity processes and learning through experience and practice.


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Test Your Knowledge

What defines the environment?

What is the significance of the internal environment?

What describes the external environment?

How does the mother's emotional state affect the newborn?

What impact can excessive medication use during pregnancy have?

How can geography influence a child's development?

What role does the family play in a child's behavior?

How does school influence a child's development?

What impact does culture have on a child?

What is the significance of nutrition in a child's life?

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