Flashcards on Environmental Movements in India

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Which movement aimed to protect the forests of the Himalayas?

Chipko Movement

Who led the Save Silent Valley movement?

Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad

What was the main focus of the Narmada Bachao Andolan?

Against the construction of dams on the Narmada river

Which movement focused on preserving the biodiversity of the Western Ghats?

Appiko Movement

What year did the Chipko Movement start?


Which movement is Sunderlal Bahuguna associated with?

Chipko Movement

Where did the Jungle Bachao Andolan start?

Bihar, 1982

What was the key goal of the Navdanya movement?

Promotion of biodiversity and organic farming

Why was the Tehri Dam project opposed?

Environmental concerns and displacement of residents

What initiative did the Green Belt Movement in India inspire?

Planting of trees and community-driven reforestation

Which movement protested the pollution of the Ganges?

Ganga Mukti Andolan

What did the Kisan Sabhas advocate for?

Rights of the farmers and against industrial pollution

What is Vandana Shiva's association with environmental movements?

Founder of Navdanya, advocate for biodiversity

What was one effect of the Chipko Movement?

A ban on tree felling in the Himalayas

Which movement was started by Medha Patkar?

Narmada Bachao Andolan


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The Chipko Movement in 1973 was organized in which state?

What does the Narmada Bachao Andolan mainly aim to address?

What concern did the Appiko Movement raise?

Sunderlal Bahuguna was famously associated with which environmental effort?

Which movement is named after a form of embracing trees to prevent their cutting?

Who is the founder of the environmental initiative Navdanya?

What activity does the movement Navdanya particularly support?

The Ganga Mukti Andolan was a campaign against the pollution of which river?

Which environmental movement resulted in a ban on tree felling?

Medha Patkar is best associated with which environmental movement?

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