Flashcards on Enzymes and Metabolism

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What are enzymes?

Biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions.

What is metabolism?

The sum of all chemical reactions in a living organism.

How do enzymes speed up chemical reactions?

By lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur.

What is an active site in an enzyme?

The region where substrates bind and the chemical reaction takes place.

What happens to enzymes after a chemical reaction?

They can be reused as they are not consumed in the reaction.

What factors can affect enzyme activity?

Temperature, pH, substrate concentration.

What is the optimum pH for most enzymes in the human body?

Around pH 7 (neutral)

What is denaturation of an enzyme?

A process where an enzyme loses its shape and function due to extreme temperature or pH.

What is an inhibitor?

A substance that decreases or stops the activity of an enzyme.

What are the two types of inhibitors?

Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.

Which type of inhibitor competes with the substrate for the active site?

Competitive inhibitor.

Which type of inhibitor binds to a different site on the enzyme, causing a change in its shape?

Non-competitive inhibitor.

What is feedback inhibition?

A process where the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier step in the pathway.

What is an allosteric enzyme?

An enzyme with multiple binding sites, including the active site and regulatory site(s).

What is a metabolic pathway?

A series of interconnected chemical reactions that convert a starting molecule into an end product.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are enzymes?

What is denaturation of an enzyme?

Which of the following factors can affect enzyme activity?

What happens to enzymes after a chemical reaction?

What is an inhibitor?

What is metabolism?

Which type of inhibitor competes with the substrate for the active site?

What is feedback inhibition?

What is the optimum pH for most enzymes in the human body?

What is an active site in an enzyme?

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