Flashcards on Enzymes and Metabolism

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What are enzymes?

Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions happening in the body to maintain life.

How do enzymes function?

Enzymes lower the activation energy needed for a reaction to occur, making it happen faster.

What is an active site of an enzyme?

The active site is the region on the enzyme where the substrate binds and the reaction takes place.

What happens to enzymes at high temperatures?

High temperatures denature enzymes, causing them to lose their shape and function.

What is the function of enzymes in digestion?

Enzymes break down large molecules in food into smaller, more easily absorbed molecules.

What is an enzyme-substrate complex?

The enzyme-substrate complex is formed when the enzyme binds to its substrate.

What is an example of an enzyme involved in metabolism?

One example is amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch into sugar.

What is the optimal pH for most enzymes?

The optimal pH for most enzymes is near neutral, around pH 7.

What is the difference between anabolic and catabolic reactions?

Anabolic reactions build up larger molecules, while catabolic reactions break down larger molecules into smaller ones.

What is the role of enzymes in cellular respiration?

Enzymes catalyze the reactions that release energy from glucose during cellular respiration.

What happens to enzymes in acidic conditions?

Enzymes may denature or become less active in acidic conditions.

What happens when an enzyme is inhibited?

Inhibition prevents or slows down the activity of an enzyme.

What factors can affect enzyme activity?

Temperature, pH, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration can affect enzyme activity.

What is allosteric regulation?

Allosteric regulation is the control of enzyme activity by molecules binding to sites other than the active site.


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Test Your Knowledge

Enzymes are _______ that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms.

What is the function of enzymes in digestion?

At high temperatures, enzymes...

What is the optimal pH for most enzymes?

Catabolic reactions...

What is the role of enzymes in cellular respiration?

Which factor can affect enzyme activity?

What is allosteric regulation?

Enzymes may denature or become less active in ______ conditions.

Inhibition of enzymes _______ their activity.

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