Flashcards on Ethics in Governance: Case Studies and Application

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What is ethics in governance?

Ethics in governance refers to the moral principles and values that guide the actions and decisions of government officials in their role of governing a society.

Why is ethics important in governance?

Ethics is important in governance as it ensures that government officials act with integrity, fairness, and accountability, leading to effective and just governance.

Give an example of an ethical dilemma in governance.

One example of an ethical dilemma in governance is when a government official has to decide between personal gain and the welfare of the people they serve.

What is the role of case studies in understanding ethics in governance?

Case studies provide real-life examples of ethical issues and dilemmas faced by government officials, enabling a deeper understanding of ethical principles and their application in governance.

How can ethics be applied in governance?

Ethics can be applied in governance through the development and implementation of ethical codes, policies, and standards, as well as promoting transparency, accountability, and public participation.

What are the benefits of ethical governance?

Ethical governance leads to increased public trust, improved decision-making, reduced corruption, and better outcomes for society as a whole.

Provide an example of a case study on ethics in governance.

One example of a case study on ethics in governance is the Watergate scandal, which involved the abuse of power and ethical violations by government officials.

What are the ethical principles that should guide governance?

The ethical principles that should guide governance include integrity, fairness, transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law.

How can ethical lapses impact governance?

Ethical lapses can erode public trust, undermine legitimacy, lead to corruption, and result in ineffective and unjust governance.

What is the role of citizens in promoting ethical governance?

Citizens play a crucial role in promoting ethical governance by holding government officials accountable, advocating for transparency and accountability, and participating in democratic processes.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the purpose of ethics in governance?

What do case studies provide in understanding ethics in governance?

What are the potential impacts of ethical lapses in governance?

Which ethical principles should guide governance?

What can citizens do to promote ethical governance?

What is the role of ethics in governance?

Which scandal is an example of an ethical case study in governance?

What are the benefits of ethical governance?

How does ethics contribute to effective governance?

What is the role of citizens in ethical governance?

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