Flashcards on European Coal and Steel Community: Integration

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What was the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)?

A supranational organization formed to integrate the coal and steel industries of its member nations.

When was the European Coal and Steel Community established?

The ECSC was established on April 18, 1951.

What were the main objectives of the European Coal and Steel Community?

To promote economic cooperation, prevent future wars, and integrate key industries among member countries.

Which countries were the founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community?

Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

What was the Treaty of Paris?

The treaty that established the European Coal and Steel Community.

What role did the European Coal and Steel Community play in the process of European integration?

It laid the foundation for further integration and cooperation among European countries.

How did the European Coal and Steel Community contribute to economic growth?

By eliminating trade barriers and fostering collaboration in the coal and steel industries.

What were some achievements of the European Coal and Steel Community?

Increased trade, improved industrial efficiency, and enhanced political cooperation.

Who was one of the key supporters and advocates for the European Coal and Steel Community?

Jean Monnet, a French political economist.

What are the current-day successors of the European Coal and Steel Community?

The European Union, the European Commission, and the European Parliament.

What was the significance of the European Coal and Steel Community for post-war Europe?

It played a crucial role in fostering peace, economic cooperation, and unity among European nations.

What was the initial duration of the European Coal and Steel Community?

The ECSC was established for a duration of 50 years.

What was the impact of the European Coal and Steel Community on national sovereignty?

Member countries had to transfer some decision-making powers to the supranational organization.

How did the European Coal and Steel Community contribute to the formation of the European Union?

It served as a model for further European integration and cooperation.

Which European institution was established alongside the European Coal and Steel Community?

The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).


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Test Your Knowledge

When was the European Coal and Steel Community established?

Who was one of the key supporters and advocates for the European Coal and Steel Community?

What were the main objectives of the European Coal and Steel Community?

What was the Treaty of Paris?

Which countries were the founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community?

What role did the European Coal and Steel Community play in the process of European integration?

What was the impact of the European Coal and Steel Community on national sovereignty?

What were some achievements of the European Coal and Steel Community?

What was the significance of the European Coal and Steel Community for post-war Europe?

What are the current-day successors of the European Coal and Steel Community?

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