Flashcards on Evolution and Biological Communities

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What is evolution?

The process of changes in species over time.

What is natural selection?

The process where individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.

What is a biological community?

A group of different species living and interacting in the same area.

What is species interaction?

The ways in which different species affect one another in a community.

What is competition?

The struggle between organisms for limited resources.

What is predation?

The interaction where one organism kills and consumes another for food.

What is mutualism?

A type of symbiotic relationship where both species benefit.

What is parasitism?

A type of symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits while the other is harmed.

What is commensalism?

A type of symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected.

What is an ecological niche?

The role and position of a species in its environment.

What is primary succession?

The establishment of vegetation on barren land that has never supported life.

What is secondary succession?

The process of regrowth in an ecosystem after a disturbance.

What is biodiversity?

The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem

What is carrying capacity?

The maximum number of individuals an environment can sustain.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The trapping of heat in the atmosphere by certain gases, leading to global warming.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which process involves changes in species over time?

What is the struggle between organisms for limited resources called?

Which symbiotic relationship benefits both species involved?

What is the establishment of vegetation on barren land called?

Which term refers to the variety of living organisms in an ecosystem?

What is the maximum number of individuals an environment can sustain called?

Which process involves individuals with favorable traits being more likely to survive and reproduce?

What is the interaction where one organism kills and consumes another for food?

What is the process of regrowth in an ecosystem after a disturbance called?

Which process involves the trapping of heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming?

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