Flashcards on Evolution of Indian Theatre

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What is the origin period of Indian theatre?

Over 2000 years ago

What are the main two branches of ancient Indian theatre?

Sanskrit and folk theatre

Which treatise details Indian dramaturgy and theatre architecture?

Natyashastra by Bharata Muni

What was the main language used in ancient Indian Sanskrit drama?


Name an ancient Indian drama renowned worldwide.

Shakuntala by Kalidasa

What role did folk theatre play in Indian villages?

Social and educational

How did colonial rule affect Indian theatre?

Introduced Western elements and proscenium stage

What is the Parsi theatre?

An influential theatre movement in 19th century India, blending Indian themes with European technology

How has modern Indian theatre been influenced?

By traditional forms, Western theatre and Indian cinema

Which modern Indian playwright is known for plays like 'Tughlaq'?

Girish Karnad

What is Ramlila?

Folk re-enactment of the life of Lord Rama, leading up to Dussehra

Who was a pioneer of modern Indian theatre reform in Bengal?

Rabindranath Tagore

Which Indian theatre form includes elaborate makeup and costumes?


What is Bhavai?

Traditional folk theatre of Gujarat

What is the goal of street theatre in India?

Social awareness and political protest


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Test Your Knowledge

What literary work is regarded as the foundation of Indian theatre?

Which one of the following is not a traditional form of Indian theatre?

The Parsi theatre was known for:

Who is a famous playwright in modern Indian theatre?

What was a significant impact of colonialism on Indian theatre?

What is the main focus of street theatre in India?

Which one of these is a characteristic feature of Kathakali?

Ramlila is associated with which Indian festival?

Who contributed to theatre reform in Bengal and won a Nobel Prize?

Which language was predominantly used in ancient Sanskrit drama?

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