Flashcards on Exposure in Photography

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What is exposure in photography?

Exposure in photography refers to the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor or film when capturing a photograph.

Why is exposure important in photography?

Exposure is important in photography as it affects the brightness, darkness, and overall tone of the image. It determines how light or dark the photo will appear.

What are the three elements that control exposure in photography?

The three elements that control exposure in photography are aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

What does aperture control in photography?

Aperture controls the amount of light that enters the camera through the lens. It also affects the depth of field in the image.

How does shutter speed affect exposure in photography?

Shutter speed determines the length of time that the camera's sensor is exposed to light. It affects motion blur and the sharpness of moving subjects.

What is ISO in photography?

ISO in photography refers to the sensitivity of the camera's sensor to light. Higher ISO values increase the sensor's sensitivity, making it useful in low-light conditions.

What is the exposure triangle in photography?

The exposure triangle in photography is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Understanding this concept helps photographers achieve proper exposure.

What is overexposure in photography?

Overexposure in photography occurs when too much light reaches the camera sensor, resulting in a bright or washed-out image.

What is underexposure in photography?

Underexposure in photography happens when insufficient light reaches the camera sensor, resulting in a dark or underexposed image.

How can exposure compensation be used in photography?

Exposure compensation is a feature in cameras that allows the adjustment of exposure to make images brighter or darker than the camera's suggested exposure settings.

What is the histogram in photography?

The histogram in photography is a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in an image. It helps evaluate exposure levels and adjust them if needed.

What is bracketing in photography?

Bracketing in photography refers to the technique of taking multiple exposures of the same subject at different exposure settings. It helps capture a range of exposures for later selection.

How can exposure be balanced in high contrast scenes?

In high contrast scenes, exposure can be balanced by using techniques like HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography or utilizing graduated neutral density filters.

What is the Sunny 16 Rule in photography?

The Sunny 16 Rule is a guideline in photography that suggests using an aperture of f/16 on a sunny day to achieve correct exposure with a shutter speed corresponding to the ISO.

What is exposure lock in photography?

Exposure lock in photography is a feature that allows the photographer to lock the exposure settings, usually after metering a specific area, to maintain consistent exposure for subsequent shots.

What is exposure in photography?

Exposure in photography refers to the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor or film when capturing a photograph.

Why is exposure important in photography?

Exposure is important in photography as it affects the brightness, darkness, and overall tone of the image. It determines how light or dark the photo will appear.

What are the three elements that control exposure in photography?

The three elements that control exposure in photography are aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

What does aperture control in photography?

Aperture controls the amount of light that enters the camera through the lens. It also affects the depth of field in the image.

How does shutter speed affect exposure in photography?

Shutter speed determines the length of time that the camera's sensor is exposed to light. It affects motion blur and the sharpness of moving subjects.

What is ISO in photography?

ISO in photography refers to the sensitivity of the camera's sensor to light. Higher ISO values increase the sensor's sensitivity, making it useful in low-light conditions.

What is the exposure triangle in photography?

The exposure triangle in photography is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Understanding this concept helps photographers achieve proper exposure.

What is overexposure in photography?

Overexposure in photography occurs when too much light reaches the camera sensor, resulting in a bright or washed-out image.

What is underexposure in photography?

Underexposure in photography happens when insufficient light reaches the camera sensor, resulting in a dark or underexposed image.

How can exposure compensation be used in photography?

Exposure compensation is a feature in cameras that allows the adjustment of exposure to make images brighter or darker than the camera's suggested exposure settings.

What is the histogram in photography?

The histogram in photography is a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in an image. It helps evaluate exposure levels and adjust them if needed.

What is bracketing in photography?

Bracketing in photography refers to the technique of taking multiple exposures of the same subject at different exposure settings. It helps capture a range of exposures for later selection.

How can exposure be balanced in high contrast scenes?

In high contrast scenes, exposure can be balanced by using techniques like HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography or utilizing graduated neutral density filters.

What is the Sunny 16 Rule in photography?

The Sunny 16 Rule is a guideline in photography that suggests using an aperture of f/16 on a sunny day to achieve correct exposure with a shutter speed corresponding to the ISO.

What is exposure lock in photography?

Exposure lock in photography is a feature that allows the photographer to lock the exposure settings, usually after metering a specific area, to maintain consistent exposure for subsequent shots.


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