Flashcards on Formation and Objectives of the Swaraj Party

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When was the Swaraj Party formed?


Who were the founders of the Swaraj Party?

Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das

What was the Swaraj Party's main objective?

To attain self-governance (Swaraj) within the British Empire

The Swaraj Party aimed to contest elections for which council?

Legislative Council

Why was the Swaraj Party established?

Due to dissatisfaction with the Gandhi-led non-cooperation movement

Which incident led to the suspension of non-cooperation movement prompting the formation of the Swaraj Party?

Chauri Chaura incident

What were the Swarajists' strategy in the legislature?

Obstructing government proposals, and demanding Swaraj

In what year did the Swaraj Party make significant gains in elections?


Where was the Swaraj Party's first conference held?


What ideology did the Swaraj Party follow?

Provincial autonomy within the British rule

Which act did the Swaraj Party want to see amended?

Government of India Act 1919

What did the Swaraj Party members call themselves in the Central Legislative Assembly?


After which event did the Swaraj Party decline?

The death of its co-founder, Chittaranjan Das, in 1925

Who continued to lead the Swaraj Party after Chittaranjan Das's death?

Motilal Nehru

Which major incident/event led to the resurgence of the Swaraj Party?

Simon Commission protests in 1928


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Test Your Knowledge

In which year was the Swaraj Party established?

Who were the key founders of the Swaraj Party?

What did the Swaraj Party primarily aim for?

Which event caused the halt of the non-cooperation movement and influenced the formation of the Swaraj Party?

What was the strategy of Swarajists in the Legislative Assembly?

Where did the Swaraj Party hold its first conference?

What did the Swaraj Party seek to amend?

After whose death did the Swaraj Party begin to decline?

Which resolution did the Swaraj Party not support?

What resurgence event is associated with the Swaraj Party in 1928?

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