Flashcards on French Revolution

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When did the French Revolution begin?


Who were the Third Estate in French society?

The commoners or bourgeoisie

What was the Reign of Terror?

A period of extreme violence during the French Revolution, where thousands of people were executed for being seen as enemies of the revolution.

What was the motto of the French Revolution?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité (liberty, equality, fraternity)

Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI

What caused the French Revolution?

Various social, economic and political reasons such as famine, debt, inequality, Enlightenment ideals and the fall of the Bastille.

Who was one of the major leaders of the French Revolution?

Maximilien Robespierre

What was the role of women in the French Revolution?

Women played a major role in various aspects such as marches, protests and even the storming of Versailles.

What was the Tennis Court Oath?

A vow taken by members of the French Third Estate to form a National Assembly and create a new constitution.

Who famously said 'Let them eat cake' during the French Revolution?

Marie Antoinette

What was the Storming of the Bastille?

A key event in the French Revolution where a group of Parisians stormed a prison to free political prisoners and to gain weapons and ammunition.

What were the Napoleonic Wars and how were they related to the French Revolution?

A series of wars fought by Napoleon Bonaparte which were a result of the political and social changes brought about by the French Revolution.

What was the guillotine and why is it associated with the French Revolution?

A device used for execution during the French Revolution and is associated with the Reign of Terror.

How did the French Revolution impact other countries in Europe?

The ideas of the French Revolution such as liberty, equality and democracy spread throughout Europe and led to various revolutions and uprisings.

What type of government was established after the French Revolution?

A constitutional monarchy followed by various forms of republics.

When did the French Revolution begin?


Who were the Third Estate in French society?

The commoners or bourgeoisie

What was the Reign of Terror?

A period of extreme violence during the French Revolution, where thousands of people were executed for being seen as enemies of the revolution.

What was the motto of the French Revolution?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité (liberty, equality, fraternity)

Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI

What caused the French Revolution?

Various social, economic and political reasons such as famine, debt, inequality, Enlightenment ideals and the fall of the Bastille.

Who was one of the major leaders of the French Revolution?

Maximilien Robespierre

What was the role of women in the French Revolution?

Women played a major role in various aspects such as marches, protests and even the storming of Versailles.

What was the Tennis Court Oath?

A vow taken by members of the French Third Estate to form a National Assembly and create a new constitution.

Who famously said 'Let them eat cake' during the French Revolution?

Marie Antoinette

What was the Storming of the Bastille?

A key event in the French Revolution where a group of Parisians stormed a prison to free political prisoners and to gain weapons and ammunition.

What were the Napoleonic Wars and how were they related to the French Revolution?

A series of wars fought by Napoleon Bonaparte which were a result of the political and social changes brought about by the French Revolution.

What was the guillotine and why is it associated with the French Revolution?

A device used for execution during the French Revolution and is associated with the Reign of Terror.

How did the French Revolution impact other countries in Europe?

The ideas of the French Revolution such as liberty, equality and democracy spread throughout Europe and led to various revolutions and uprisings.

What type of government was established after the French Revolution?

A constitutional monarchy followed by various forms of republics.


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