Flashcards on Freud's Psychosexual Theory

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What is Freud's psychosexual theory?

Freud's psychosexual theory explains how personality develops through a series of stages based on the pleasure-seeking desires of the id.

How many stages are there in Freud's psychosexual theory?

Freud's psychosexual theory consists of five stages: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

What happens during the oral stage of psychosexual development?

During the oral stage, infants derive pleasure from sucking, biting, and chewing.

What is the main conflict during the phallic stage of psychosexual development?

The main conflict during the phallic stage is the Oedipus complex for boys and Electra complex for girls.

What characterizes the latency stage of psychosexual development?

During the latency stage, sexual desires are repressed and children focus on developing social and intellectual skills.

What is the final stage of psychosexual development according to Freud?

The final stage is the genital stage, where individuals develop mature sexual relationships.

What is the id in Freud's psychosexual theory?

The id is the primitive part of the personality that operates on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification.

What is the ego in Freud's psychosexual theory?

The ego is the part of the personality that mediates between the id and superego, balancing instinctual drives with societal demands.

What is the superego in Freud's psychosexual theory?

The superego represents the internalized moral values and conscience, striving for moral perfection.

What are the three components of personality in Freud's psychosexual theory?

The three components are the id, ego, and superego.

Which stage of psychosexual development is associated with toilet training?

The anal stage is associated with toilet training and the child's focus on controlling and expelling feces.

What is fixation in psychosexual development?

Fixation occurs when a person's development becomes stuck at a particular stage due to unresolved conflicts.

What is the importance of resolution during each psychosexual stage?

Successful resolution of conflicts during each stage leads to the development of a healthy personality.

How does Freud view the role of sexuality in psychosexual development?

Freud believed that sexuality plays a central role in the development of personality and drives human behavior.

What are the criticisms of Freud's psychosexual theory?

Critics argue that his theory is too focused on sexuality and lacks scientific evidence.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which stage of psychosexual development is associated with sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent?

What is the main conflict during the anal stage of psychosexual development?

Which component of personality operates on the pleasure principle?

What is the purpose of the ego in Freud's psychosexual theory?

What is the final stage of psychosexual development?

What characterizes the latency stage of psychosexual development?

What is fixation in psychosexual development?

What is the importance of resolution during each psychosexual stage?

How does Freud view the role of sexuality in psychosexual development?

What are the criticisms of Freud's psychosexual theory?

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