Flashcards on Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory

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What is the basic principle of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

The presence of the unconscious in human life.

According to Freud, what is the primary driver of human behavior?

The unconscious.

What is the formation of the unconscious?

The unconscious is formed as a result of repressed desires since childhood.

What does the unconscious seek according to Freud?

The opportunity to manifest and establish its presence.

What is the role of the unconscious according to Freud?

The primary motivator of human behavior.

What historical evidence did Freud employ to support his theory?

The Oedipus myth.

What are the three primary components of the human psyche according to Freud?

The id, ego, and superego.

What does the id represent in Freud's theory?

The unconscious and instinctual drives.

What does the ego represent in Freud's theory?

The conscious mind and rationality.

What does the superego represent in Freud's theory?

The social and moral conscience.

What is the dynamic between the id, ego, and superego?

A constant conflict and tension.

What is the significance of the Oedipus myth in Freud's theory?

It represents the dynamics of the unconscious and the role of suppressed desires.

What was the focus of pre-Freudian psychology?

The study of consciousness and the conscious mind.

How did Freud expand the field of psychology with his theory?

By introducing the concept of the unconscious and its role in human behavior.

What is the primary conflict in Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

The conflict between the unconscious desires (id) and society's expectations (superego).


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What is the basic principle of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

What does the unconscious seek according to Freud?

What is the role of the unconscious according to Freud?

What are the three primary components of the human psyche according to Freud?

What does the id represent in Freud's theory?

What does the superego represent in Freud's theory?

What is the significance of the Oedipus myth in Freud's theory?

What was the focus of pre-Freudian psychology?

What is the primary conflict in Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

How did Freud expand the field of psychology with his theory?

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