Flashcards on Function of Mammary Glands

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What is the primary function of mammary glands?

To produce milk to nourish offspring

What hormone stimulates milk production in mammary glands?


What is the process by which mammary glands produce milk?


Do both males and females have mammary glands?

Yes, but they are not functional in males

In what part of the breast are mammary glands located?

In the lobes and ducts of the breast tissue

What are some factors that can affect lactation?

Stress, lack of sleep, certain medications

What is the medical term for painful or swollen breasts?


What is the medical term for the milk ducts becoming blocked?


What is the name of the surgical procedure to remove one or both breasts, including the mammary glands?


What is the purpose of breast self-exams?

To help detect changes or abnormalities in breast tissue

At what age do mammary glands typically mature?

During puberty

What is the most common type of breast cancer, which originates in cells that line the milk ducts?

Invasive ductal carcinoma

What is the term for the removal of a small sample of breast tissue for testing?

Breast biopsy

What is the name of the device used to detect breast cancer in its early stages?


How often should women get a mammogram?

Every 1-2 years starting at age 40 (or earlier if there is a family history of breast cancer)

What is the primary function of mammary glands?

To produce milk to nourish offspring

What hormone stimulates milk production in mammary glands?


What is the process by which mammary glands produce milk?


Do both males and females have mammary glands?

Yes, but they are not functional in males

In what part of the breast are mammary glands located?

In the lobes and ducts of the breast tissue

What are some factors that can affect lactation?

Stress, lack of sleep, certain medications

What is the medical term for painful or swollen breasts?


What is the medical term for the milk ducts becoming blocked?


What is the name of the surgical procedure to remove one or both breasts, including the mammary glands?


What is the purpose of breast self-exams?

To help detect changes or abnormalities in breast tissue

At what age do mammary glands typically mature?

During puberty

What is the most common type of breast cancer, which originates in cells that line the milk ducts?

Invasive ductal carcinoma

What is the term for the removal of a small sample of breast tissue for testing?

Breast biopsy

What is the name of the device used to detect breast cancer in its early stages?


How often should women get a mammogram?

Every 1-2 years starting at age 40 (or earlier if there is a family history of breast cancer)


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