Flashcards on Fusion and Stellar Processes

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What is fusion?

The process of combining atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus and release a large amount of energy.

What are stellar processes?

Nuclear reactions and other processes occurring in stars.

What is the main stellar process that powers most stars?

Nuclear fusion

What are the fuel sources for fusion reactions in stars?

Hydrogen and helium

What factors determine if a star will undergo fusion?

Temperature and pressure

What are the four main stellar processes?

Nuclear fusion, stellar evolution, nucleosynthesis, and supernova explosions

What is the end result of fusion in stars?

The creation of heavier elements and release of energy

Which stellar process is responsible for the production of elements heavier than iron?

Supernova explosions

What are the three types of fusion reactions that occur in stars?

Proton-proton chain, CNO cycle, and triple-alpha process

What is nucleosynthesis?

The process by which new atomic nuclei are formed from pre-existing nuclei

Which stellar process is responsible for the formation of heavier elements such as gold and uranium?


What happens during a supernova explosion?

A massive explosion that occurs at the end of a star's life, releasing an enormous amount of energy and creating heavy elements

What is the fusion process that occurs in our Sun?

Proton-proton chain

What is the CNO cycle?

A fusion process that occurs in stars more massive than the Sun

What is the triple-alpha process?

A fusion process that occurs in very massive stars


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Test Your Knowledge

What is fusion?

What are the fuel sources for fusion reactions in stars?

What factors determine if a star will undergo fusion?

What is the main stellar process that powers most stars?

What are the four main stellar processes?

Which stellar process is responsible for the production of elements heavier than iron?

What are the three types of fusion reactions that occur in stars?

What is nucleosynthesis?

What happens during a supernova explosion?

What is the fusion process that occurs in our Sun?

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