Flashcards on Gender Pay Gap

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What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women across an organization or society.

How is the gender pay gap calculated?

The gender pay gap is calculated by taking the average earnings of men and women and comparing the two figures.

What causes the gender pay gap?

There are several factors that contribute to the pay gap, including discrimination, occupational segregation, and working patterns.

How does the gender pay gap affect women's finances?

The gender pay gap can result in women earning less over their lifetimes, which can have negative impacts on their financial stability and retirement savings.

What steps can be taken to address the gender pay gap?

Steps that can be taken include promoting pay transparency, increasing diversity in leadership positions, and promoting flexible working arrangements to support work-life balance.

Is the gender pay gap illegal?

In many countries, pay discrimination based on gender is illegal, although it still persists in many sectors and industries.

What is occupational segregation?

Occupational segregation is the tendency for men and women to work in different professions, with women often concentrated in lower-paying roles.

Which countries have the smallest gender pay gaps?

According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2021, Iceland, Finland, and Norway have the smallest gender pay gaps.

What is the motherhood penalty?

The motherhood penalty refers to the negative impact that having children can have on women's earnings and career advancement.

What is the fatherhood bonus?

The fatherhood bonus refers to the positive impact that having children can have on men's earnings and career advancement.

What is the gender earnings ratio?

The gender earnings ratio is the ratio of women's earnings to men's earnings, often used as a measure of the gender pay gap.

What is the intersectional gender pay gap?

The intersectional gender pay gap refers to the pay gap experienced by women who face multiple forms of discrimination, such as women of color or women with disabilities.

What is the impact of the gender pay gap on the economy?

The gender pay gap can limit economic growth and reduce productivity, as it prevents women from contributing fully to the workforce.

What is the gender pension gap?

The gender pension gap is the difference in retirement savings between men and women, often due to the gender pay gap and women's interrupted careers due to caregiving responsibilities.

What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women across an organization or society.

How is the gender pay gap calculated?

The gender pay gap is calculated by taking the average earnings of men and women and comparing the two figures.

What causes the gender pay gap?

There are several factors that contribute to the pay gap, including discrimination, occupational segregation, and working patterns.

How does the gender pay gap affect women's finances?

The gender pay gap can result in women earning less over their lifetimes, which can have negative impacts on their financial stability and retirement savings.

What steps can be taken to address the gender pay gap?

Steps that can be taken include promoting pay transparency, increasing diversity in leadership positions, and promoting flexible working arrangements to support work-life balance.

Is the gender pay gap illegal?

In many countries, pay discrimination based on gender is illegal, although it still persists in many sectors and industries.

What is occupational segregation?

Occupational segregation is the tendency for men and women to work in different professions, with women often concentrated in lower-paying roles.

Which countries have the smallest gender pay gaps?

According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2021, Iceland, Finland, and Norway have the smallest gender pay gaps.

What is the motherhood penalty?

The motherhood penalty refers to the negative impact that having children can have on women's earnings and career advancement.

What is the fatherhood bonus?

The fatherhood bonus refers to the positive impact that having children can have on men's earnings and career advancement.

What is the gender earnings ratio?

The gender earnings ratio is the ratio of women's earnings to men's earnings, often used as a measure of the gender pay gap.

What is the intersectional gender pay gap?

The intersectional gender pay gap refers to the pay gap experienced by women who face multiple forms of discrimination, such as women of color or women with disabilities.

What is the impact of the gender pay gap on the economy?

The gender pay gap can limit economic growth and reduce productivity, as it prevents women from contributing fully to the workforce.

What is the gender pension gap?

The gender pension gap is the difference in retirement savings between men and women, often due to the gender pay gap and women's interrupted careers due to caregiving responsibilities.


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