Flashcards on Generations of Rights

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What are the rights included in the first generation of civil and political rights?

Rights to life, liberty, security of person, equal protection, freedom from torture, fair trial, privacy, freedom of opinion and expression, etc.

What are the rights included in the second generation of economic, social, and cultural rights?

Rights to work, social security, education, rest and leisure, health, shelter, etc.

What are the rights included in the third generation of solidarity rights?

Rights to peace, development, environmental rights, self-determination, food, women's rights, children's rights, humanitarian relief, water rights, etc.

What is another name for the first generation of civil and political rights?

First generation of liberty rights

Why are civil and political rights considered partly negative rights?

Because they prevent the state from performing certain harmful actions

What influenced the development and appreciation of the second generation of economic, social, and cultural rights?

Experience of third world countries, influence of socialism, encyclicals of the Popes

What type of rights are the third generation of rights intended to benefit?

Individuals, groups, and peoples

What is the latest right included in the third generation of rights?

Right to water

What are the characteristics of the first generation of civil and political rights?

Protection against arbitrary police power, individual rights against the state

What is the purpose of the third generation of rights?

To benefit individuals, groups, and peoples by promoting global cooperation and international solidarity

What is the field of study that focuses on the development and appreciation of rights?

Social studies

What do the second generation of rights aim to ensure?

Enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights

What are examples of the first generation of rights?

Right to life, liberty, security of person, freedom from torture, equal protection, fair trial, privacy, freedom of opinion and expression, etc.

What are examples of the second generation of rights?

Right to work, social security, education, rest and leisure, health, shelter, etc.

What are examples of the third generation of rights?

Right to peace, development, environmental rights, self-determination, food, women's rights, children's rights, humanitarian relief, water rights, etc.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which generation of rights includes the right to life, liberty, and security of person?

Which generation of rights started to be recognized due to the importance of economic, social, and cultural rights?

Which generation of rights aims to benefit individuals, groups, and peoples through global cooperation?

Which generation of rights focuses on protection against arbitrary exercise of police power?

Which generation of rights includes the right to education and social security?

Which generation of rights involves the right to peace and development?

Which generation of rights is intended to prevent discrimination and arbitrary arrest?

Which generation of rights includes the right to work and shelter?

Which generation of rights focuses on promoting global cooperation based on international solidarity?

Which generation of rights includes the right to equality and freedom of expression?

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