Flashcards on Genetic Code and Translation

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What is the genetic code?

The genetic code is the set of rules used by living cells to decode the information in DNA and RNA and convert it into the synthesis of proteins.

What is translation in the context of genetics?

Translation is the process by which the genetic code carried by mRNA is decoded to produce a specific sequence of amino acids, which are then linked together to form a protein.

What are codons?

Codons are sequences of three nucleotides in mRNA that specify the amino acids to be incorporated into a protein during translation.

What is the start codon?

The start codon, AUG, signifies the beginning of translation and also codes for the amino acid methionine.

What are stop codons?

Stop codons, UAA, UAG, and UGA, indicate the end of translation and do not code for any amino acids.

What is the role of tRNA in translation?

tRNA molecules bring the correct amino acids to the ribosome during translation, based on the codons in the mRNA sequence.

Which organelle is responsible for translation?

Translation takes place in the ribosomes, which can be found in the cytoplasm and on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

What is the role of rRNA in translation?

rRNA molecules make up the ribosomes, where translation occurs. They help facilitate the catalytic activity of the ribosome during protein synthesis.

What is the relationship between DNA, RNA, and proteins in translation?

DNA contains the genetic code which is transcribed into RNA. This RNA, called mRNA, is then translated into proteins through the process of translation.

How is the genetic code degenerate?

The genetic code is degenerate because multiple codons can code for the same amino acid. This redundancy provides some protection against mutations and allows flexibility in protein synthesis.

What are the three steps of translation?

The three steps of translation are initiation, elongation, and termination.

What happens during the initiation phase of translation?

During initiation, the ribosome assembles on the mRNA molecule near the start codon and the first amino acid is brought in by the tRNA.

What happens during the elongation phase of translation?

During elongation, the ribosome moves along the mRNA molecule, adding amino acids one by one to the growing polypeptide chain.

What happens during the termination phase of translation?

During termination, the ribosome reaches a stop codon and the newly synthesized polypeptide chain is released.

What is the significance of the genetic code and translation process?

The genetic code and the process of translation are essential for the synthesis of proteins, which play crucial roles in cell function and determining the characteristics of an organism.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the start codon?

What are codons?

Where does translation occur in the cell?

Which of the following is true about stop codons?

What brings the correct amino acids to the ribosome during translation?

What is the end product of translation?

Which phase of translation involves the assembly of the ribosome on the mRNA molecule?

What is the role of rRNA in protein synthesis?

Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between DNA, RNA, and proteins in translation?

Why is the genetic code degenerate?

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