Flashcards on Gettysburg Address

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Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?

Abraham Lincoln

When was the Gettysburg Address delivered?

November 19, 1863

Where was the Gettysburg Address delivered?

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

How long is the Gettysburg Address?

272 words

What was the purpose of the Gettysburg Address?

To honor the soldiers who died in the Battle of Gettysburg and to inspire the nation to continue fighting for freedom and equality.

What are the opening words of the Gettysburg Address?

Four score and seven years ago

How did the Gettysburg Address shape American history?

It emphasized the principles of equality and liberty, providing a new understanding of the American democracy.

Who did Abraham Lincoln reference in the Gettysburg Address?

The founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence

What is the main theme of the Gettysburg Address?

The preservation of the Union and the commitment to democracy

What impact did the Gettysburg Address have on the Civil War?

It helped to unite the Northern states and provided a renewed sense of purpose to fight for the abolition of slavery.

What document is Lincoln's Gettysburg Address often compared to?

The Declaration of Independence

Why is the Gettysburg Address considered a significant speech in American history?

It redefined the principles of democracy and inspired generations to uphold the values of freedom and equality.

What was the outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg?

A Union victory, marking a turning point in the American Civil War.

What is the cultural significance of the Gettysburg Address today?

It remains a symbol of national unity and a reminder of the sacrifices made during the Civil War.

What is the significance of the Gettysburg Address in relation to the Constitution?

It demonstrated the enduring power of the Constitution to guide the nation through times of crisis.


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Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?

When was the Gettysburg Address delivered?

Where was the Gettysburg Address delivered?

How long is the Gettysburg Address?

What are the opening words of the Gettysburg Address?

Who did Abraham Lincoln reference in the Gettysburg Address?

What is the main theme of the Gettysburg Address?

What document is Lincoln's Gettysburg Address often compared to?

What was the outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg?

What is the significance of the Gettysburg Address in relation to the Constitution?

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