Flashcards on Gilded Age

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What period in American history is known as the Gilded Age?

The period from the 1870s to the early 1900s.

What term describes the era of rapid economic growth but also significant social inequality?

The Gilded Age.

Who coined the term 'Gilded Age'?

Mark Twain.

Which industry played a major role in the economic growth of the Gilded Age?


Who were the wealthy industrialists and businessmen during the Gilded Age?

Robber Barons.

What was the political party that dominated the Gilded Age?

The Republican Party.

Which labor union rose to prominence during the Gilded Age?

The Knights of Labor.

What were the key issues of the Gilded Age?

Industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption.

What was the impact of the Gilded Age on American society?

Growing divide between the rich and poor, rise of consumerism, and increased corruption.

Which book exposed the social ills of the Gilded Age?

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

Who was the President during the Gilded Age?

Multiple Presidents served during the Gilded Age, including Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, and Benjamin Harrison.

What major labor strike occurred in 1894 during the Gilded Age?

The Pullman Strike.

What were the Jim Crow laws?

Racist laws that enforced segregation and discrimination against African Americans in the South.

What was the significance of the Homestead Strike in 1892?

It was a violent labor strike at the Homestead Steel Works in Pennsylvania, highlighting the tension between labor and industry during the Gilded Age.

What event marked the end of the Gilded Age?

The Progressive Era and various reforms that aimed to address the problems of the Gilded Age.


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Gilded Age occur?

Who coined the term 'Gilded Age'?

What was the dominant political party during the Gilded Age?

Which industry played a major role in the economic growth of the Gilded Age?

What were the key issues of the Gilded Age?

Which labor union rose to prominence during the Gilded Age?

What book exposed the social ills of the Gilded Age?

What event marked the end of the Gilded Age?

What was the significance of the Homestead Strike in 1892?

What were the Jim Crow laws?

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