Flashcards on Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Moderate Politics

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Who was Gopal Krishna Gokhale?

A senior political leader and a moderate in the Indian National Congress.

What was Gokhale known for in Indian politics?

His moderate approach and emphasis on dialogue and reforms.

When did Gokhale become the president of the Indian National Congress?

In 1905.

What did the moderates aim to achieve?

Gradual reform and self-rule within the British Empire.

Why did Gokhale advocate for moderate strategies?

He believed in constitutional methods and negotiation.

What was one of Gokhale's significant contributions to education?

The founding of the Servants of India Society.

How did moderates differ from extremists?

Moderates sought reform through dialogue, extremists pushed for direct action.

What was the main form of protest by moderates?

Petitions and resolutions.

Which event led to split in INC between moderates and extremists?

The Surat Split in 1907.

Did Gokhale support the Swadeshi Movement?

He supported Swadeshi goods but not the boycott of British goods.

Which Indian leader considered Gokhale his political guru?

Mahatma Gandhi.

What economic reforms did Gokhale advocate?

Reduction of land revenue and protection of Indian industries.

What was Gokhale's view on British governance?

He believed India could progress under enlightened British rule.

What was Gokhale's stance on social issues?

He promoted social reforms like education and opposed caste discrimination.

Did Gokhale participate in Civil Disobedience?

No, he believed in constitutional methods.


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