Flashcards on Gothic Architecture

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What is Gothic architecture?

Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished in Europe during the High and Late Middle Ages.

When did Gothic architecture emerge?

Gothic architecture emerged in the 12th century.

What are some key features of Gothic architecture?

Key features of Gothic architecture include pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses.

Which famous cathedral is an example of Gothic architecture?

The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is an example of Gothic architecture.

Why did Gothic architecture develop?

Gothic architecture developed as a response to the Romanesque style and was influenced by religious and social changes.

What is a rose window?

A rose window is a large circular stained glass window typically found in Gothic cathedrals.

What are gargoyles?

Gargoyles are decorative statues or sculptures, often in the form of mythical creatures or animals, that serve as waterspouts on Gothic buildings.

What is the purpose of a flying buttress?

A flying buttress is a support structure that transfers the weight of a wall or vault to an external pylon or buttress.

Which historical period is associated with Gothic architecture?

Gothic architecture is associated with the Medieval period.

What is the significance of the pointed arch in Gothic architecture?

The pointed arch used in Gothic architecture allowed for taller and more spacious buildings.

What is a vault in Gothic architecture?

A vault is a masonry structure that forms a ceiling or roof in Gothic architecture, typically made of stone.

What is a lancet window?

A lancet window is a tall and narrow window with a pointed arch at the top, commonly found in Gothic architecture.

What is the purpose of stained glass windows in Gothic architecture?

Stained glass windows in Gothic architecture were used to illuminate the interiors with colored light and depict religious stories.

What is a transept in a Gothic cathedral?

A transept is a transverse section in a cruciform church, crossing the main axis at a right angle.

Which European country is known for its Gothic cathedrals?

France is known for its Gothic cathedrals, including Notre-Dame and Chartres Cathedral.


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Gothic architecture is associated with which historical period?

What are some key features of Gothic architecture?

Which cathedral is an example of Gothic architecture?

What is the purpose of a flying buttress?

Which architectural style influenced Gothic architecture?

What is a rose window?

Which country is known for its Gothic cathedrals?

What is a vault in Gothic architecture?

What is a lancet window?

What are gargoyles in Gothic architecture?

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