Flashcards on Great Migration of African Americans

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When did the Great Migration of African Americans occur?


What was the primary reason for the Great Migration?

Escaping racial segregation and seeking better economic opportunities

Which cities were major destinations for African Americans during the Great Migration?

Chicago, Detroit, New York City

Who was considered a prominent leader during the Great Migration?

Ida B. Wells

What impact did the Great Migration have on the African American population in Northern cities?

It significantly increased the African American population in Northern cities.

What were some challenges African Americans faced during the Great Migration?

Discrimination, overcrowded housing, and limited job opportunities

What was the role of the Harlem Renaissance during the Great Migration?

It showcased African American cultural achievements and contributed to the advancement of arts and literature.

Which organization played a significant role in supporting African Americans during the Great Migration?

National Urban League

Did the Great Migration lead to long-term social and political changes?

Yes, it contributed to the Civil Rights Movement and the expansion of political opportunities for African Americans.

How did the Great Migration impact music and culture?

It influenced the development of various music genres and contributed to cultural diversity.

What percentage of African Americans migrated to Northern cities during the Great Migration?

Around 5 million African Americans migrated, representing approximately 33% of the total African American population.

What was the significance of the Pullman Company in the Great Migration?

Pullman porters played a crucial role in spreading information about job opportunities in the North.

In what ways did the Great Migration impact education for African Americans?

It led to the establishment of new schools and improved educational opportunities for African American children.

What were some push factors that encouraged African Americans to leave the South during the Great Migration?

Racial violence, Jim Crow laws, and limited economic prospects

What african american writer and intellectual made comments on the great migration?

W.E.B. Du Bois


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Great Migration of African Americans occur?

What was the primary reason for the Great Migration?

Which cities were major destinations for African Americans during the Great Migration?

Who was considered a prominent leader during the Great Migration?

What impact did the Great Migration have on the African American population in Northern cities?

What were some challenges African Americans faced during the Great Migration?

What was the role of the Harlem Renaissance during the Great Migration?

Which organization played a significant role in supporting African Americans during the Great Migration?

Did the Great Migration lead to long-term social and political changes?

How did the Great Migration impact music and culture?

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